Monday, April 11, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 6, 7, 8 and

So I figure I am so random with blog posts I might as well be random ad knock a few out while I have so time...
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

I don't like this one. So I am going to skip it. But a general answer it would be any male to get in their head and TRY to figure out what the HELL they are thinking. 
Day 7- A picture of your most treasured item
I don't know what I would do without it. It's like an extra appendage. My life is in my phone. I've even been known to fall asleep with it in my hand. 
CAUTION: sad story :(
Last night I got frustrated and gently threw it out of anger (kind of like when a toddler throws a tantrum but gently lays their head on the ground so they know it won't hurt) and it cracked and the piece won't go back into place :( I am so so so sad. Every time I think I've fixed it, it pops back out. 

Day 8- A picture that makes you laugh
This is my boyfriend and me in Disneyland last year for my birthday. It cracks me up every time. This was our first time on Splash Mountain that trip, so we had no clue where the cameras were. Our faces are 100% genuine. I got so wet, I was absolutely miserable. We went straight back to the hotel. 

Day 9- The person who has gotten you through the most
Mom and Dad... every once in a while I can be a pain in the butt. They have both stuck by me, believed in me, encouraged me and loved me unconditionally. 
That's all for tonight...

Friday, April 8, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge- Day 4 and 5

Day 4- A picture of your night
I've been really lacking at remembering my camera (not to mention my night was a bore) but here it is...
The little guy I was watching tonight went to bed super early so I watched some reruns and part of the new episode. I'm going to be honest, I already miss Bethenny. She was pretty much the only one I didn't find completely obnoxious.  Andddddd is it bad that I laughed out loud when Alex said she had been modeling and found herself attractive? 

Oh my goodness, that was sooo mean. If I was religious I would totally go to Church tomorrow and repent. But I'm not. In fact, I don't even know if I used the word repent correctly :) However, you can always count on my honesty. 
I was going to wait till tomorrow to do day 5 but it's my blog and I can cry if I want to do two photo days in one if I want to!
Day 5- A picture of your favorite memory
I have a lot of great memories but moving to Charleston is up there. Being in a new city, making new friends, going to the beach daily, finding a new independence and being in the most beautiful atmosphere didn't hurt. I'm ready for a visit! 
It's wayyyy past my bedtime and I have to be up early tomorrow with no diet pepsi in the house... uhohhh
